The best way to get a good night’s sleep, according to experts

Sleep can be just as important to good health as diet and exercise – but prioritizing restful sleep is often low on our priority list. Here, a sleep expert shares her five fab tips for a great night’s sleep.

The average adult should aim for about eight hours of good quality sleep per night.(Getty Images)

The quality and quantity of sleep affects every aspect of our lives, from mood to concentration levels.

You may have never thought about it – but sleep is just as important to good health as diet and exercise. To feel our best, it’s vitally important to get one thing right. But with life moving at a faster pace than ever before, that’s much easier said than done.

With disruptive world events and the cost-of-living crisis showing little sign of abating, it’s no wonder many of us are giving in to the nemesis of snoozing: stress and anxiety. But it can often be difficult not to ruminate when trying to sleep, as this can often be the only period of “downtime” we have.

In an effort to help us all rest easier, Kora Habinakova, sleep expert at Sleepseeker, answered your most pressing sleep-related questions.

How much sleep do I need?

There are many factors that influence how much sleep we need. For the average adult, a minimum of seven hours is recommended, but you should aim for eight hours of good quality sleep. As children and teenagers are still growing, they need a little more sleep to help with their physical and mental development. Children ages 3 to 12 should get about 10 hours, while teens (12 to 18) should get between 8 and 10 hours.

How does sleep affect my mood and mental well-being?

The research between sleep and mental health is complex, but as a general rule, problems with sleep can affect your mental well-being. Not getting enough sleep can increase a person’s levels of irritability and anger. This is because our brain doesn’t work as well when we don’t get enough sleep and it suppresses the emotional center of the brain.

Likewise, sleep affects how we deal with stress, which can have a significant impact on our daily lives. We recommend making a good effort to ensure you are getting enough hours of sleep. If you’re not getting enough good quality sleep, we recommend re-evaluating your habits, such as using your phone too close to bedtime, and see if there’s anything you can change.

What role does diet and nutrition play in sleep?

The foods you eat and meal times can influence how easily you fall asleep and how restful your night is. A light snack before bed is recommended, especially for insomniacs, as having a small amount of food in your system can help you sleep and prevent any hunger-related disorders. We recommend incorporating foods and drinks like turkey, fatty fish, and herbal teas into your diet as they can improve sleep quality.

How does technology and screen time affect my sleep?

We’re all guilty of using our devices before bed, but this has an adverse effect on our ability to sleep. Blue light prevents the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps with sleep. Scrolling through work email or working before bed can also trigger anxious thoughts and make it difficult for your brain to calm down. Consider setting an alarm to tell yourself to cut out screen time before bed. Instead, consider listening to music or reading a book.

Is napping good for you?

Contrary to popular belief, napping can be good for you. A daytime nap can increase your alertness and help with your memory, but there are some mistakes we make when it comes to napping that often make us feel worse. The correct nap length should be around 20 to 30 minutes if your goal is to wake up feeling energized. Kora continues: “A good night’s sleep is vital for daily functioning and your long-term health, so if you’re struggling to find an answer to your sleep-related issues or if you find that your sleep quality is consistently low, we recommend that you contact your doctor for professional medical advice”

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