How caffeine plays a role in changing the taste of soft drinks

Caffeine is found in most soft drinks on the shelves of your local supermarket. This is not too surprising, considering that many people rely on this substance for extra energy throughout the day. But, according to the Coca-Cola Company, the caffeine in its soft drink has less to do with stimulation and more to do with taste: it’s the unlikely flavoring agent that gives the American giant its distinctive flavor. From Pepsi to Mountain Dew, soft drink companies swear by the inclusion of caffeine in their ingredients because they claim it makes their drinks taste better. but why?

As it turns out, caffeine has a distinct bitter taste that perfectly balances the sweetness of these drinks. Caffeine is a natural substance and is found in many organic sources. Coffee and tea are the most obvious stimulant hosts, but kola nuts, once used in making Coca-Cola, are another. Most soda manufacturers no longer use natural sources of caffeine and instead use synthetic versions of the drug.

So, what does caffeine taste like? It is pungent and reminds the sour taste of aspirin. Although it may not seem like it belongs in your drink, it’s hard to deny the importance of caffeine in the flavor of soft drinks, especially when you consider that only a fraction of the soft drinks produced by soft drink companies each year are caffeine-free.

Read more: 26 coffee hacks you need to know for a better cup

Decaffeinated drinks are just… different

Cola being poured into a glass, top view – Carlosalvarez/Getty Images

The caffeine buzz may not be the only reason caffeinated beverages are more popular than their decaffeinated counterparts. Decaf recipes often try to compensate for the lack of caffeine’s slightly bitter taste, and this can be confusing to palates accustomed to the taste of their favorite soda. In the end, it’s not something that’s been removed, but something that’s been added (or synthesized) to mimic the bitterness of caffeine that makes most people skip decaf cola.

Aside from the taste, there’s something else about caffeinated drinks: the actual caffeine content of the drinks. According to a 2000 study published in the Archives of Family Medicine, most people can’t tell the difference between caffeinated and decaffeinated soda because the amount of caffeine consumed in the average soda is so low that most people can’t detect it. Com

So, what exactly is that je ne sais quoi that caffeine brings to some of America’s favorite beverages? Maybe it’s the strong, unmistakable flavor, or maybe it’s simply the desirable psychostimulant effects. The answer probably lies somewhere between the two. Either way, people can’t get enough of caffeinated beverages.

Read the original article at Tasting Table.

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