Meta decides to say no to the Oversight Board’s requests and allow paid publications for ketamine

Meta decided that some of its Oversight Board’s objection messages related to intoxicating drugs weren’t worth the effort, so launch the paid ads for ketamine.

Therapeutic ketamine only, of course. Although it is still not approved by the FDA.

Meta’s oversight board issued four recommendations in August regarding a 2022 sponsored Instagram post advertising the dissociative anesthetic ketamine as a treatment for anxiety and depression. Last week, Meta decided she wasn’t going to comply with all of the Council’s recommendations, ignoring one outright and brushing aside a second with a promise to look into it later.

The Council, which Meta sponsors to act as an independent conscience in delicate cases, describes itself as having the power to make decisions that “will be binding, meaning that Meta will have to implement them, unless it violates the law”. Zuckerberg’s organization, however, seems to feel this is hurting its buzz.

“We are allowing a broader discussion of pharmaceutical drugs, which we define as drugs that require a prescription or require administration by healthcare professionals,” Meta said in response to the OB decision. “These types of discussions are often important to protect users’ voices, their ability to discuss their health concerns, and their ability to share information that can help others.”

The Council had asked Meta to clarify the wording of its community standard on restricted goods and services which allows the promotion of pharmaceutical drugs, even when those drugs can cause a “high”, provided they are used in a supervised environment . In particular, OB wanted clarification on what constitutes a supervised setting, but Meta responded by saying that would place too great a burden on posters’ freedom to discuss their health concerns.

We could not reach the board for comment, but it told Bloomberg that it was “unfortunate that they [Meta] we will not clarify the policy as recommended.

Don’t hesitate to talk about your trip, as long as it’s on a doctor’s orders.

“This case indicates that Meta’s strong restrictions on branded content promoting drugs and attempts to buy, sell or trade drugs on its platforms may be applied inconsistently,” the statement said. Advice.

For example, the original sponsored post that discusses ketamine therapy.

“Although the user described ketamine as a medication, the post contains no mention of a professional diagnosis; no clear evidence that the treatment took place at a licensed clinic; and no evidence that the treatment took place under medical supervision,” noted the OB.

However, he describes ketamine as a “magical entry into another dimension”, accompanied by psychedelic drawings.

Meta’s branded content policy, the Board noted, does not allow paid branded promotional content involving “drugs and drug-related products, including illegal or recreational drugs,” and as such , the message in question had to be deleted.

The ruling raises further questions about drug-related content on social media, which Meta’s appeal says appears OK as long as the drug in question can be linked to apps prescribed by a doctor. This means that cannabis, psilocybin mushrooms, ketamine and other recreational drugs with purported therapeutic value are all very good according to Meta’s accounting.

As U.S. laws restricting the use of psychedelics, in most cases for therapeutic purposes but in some places for recreational purposes, and cannabis are gradually relaxed, there is a lot of money to be made, and Meta undoubtedly wants to make sure its policies are put in place to enable some. of this money to circulate.

Additionally, illegal drug sales have proliferated on social media in recent years, with government agencies and researchers pointing to Meta-owned platforms as new virtual street corners for finding illicit substances online. It’s hard to make money from sneaky drug dealers, but legitimate businesses offering a high bounty? Yeah, man, that’s the good thing.

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