Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful

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Dear Annie: I would like to hear from people who were children of a mother with contamination OCD. My daughter’s therapist has determined that this is a fairly serious case, but my daughter refuses to follow the recommended inpatient program. Instead, she sees the therapist once a week, which is essentially a heavy-handed approach. One …

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Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful

Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren's Lives Stressful

Dear Annie: I would like to hear from people who were children of a mother with contamination OCD. My daughter’s therapist has determined that this is a fairly serious case, but my daughter refuses to follow the recommended inpatient program. Instead, she sees the therapist once a week, which is essentially a heavy-handed approach. One …

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Dear Abby: I worry that my mother-in-law is in mental decline, but her children don’t seem to care.

Dear Abby: I worry that my mother-in-law is in mental decline, but her children don't seem to care.

DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law is a lovely retired teacher. She lives an active lifestyle, volunteering at her local Boys and Girls Club and following up with her friends. The problem is that her mobility and memory are declining, and she and her family deny it. She still drives and has recently been in several collisions. …

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Dear Doctor: Friends should advise friends against taking unproven medications.

Dear Doctor: Friends should advise friends against taking unproven medications.

DEAR DR. ROACH: A relative told me she was going to start taking colloidal silver to help fight her cancer. Could you please share what you know about it? — BI ANSWER: Friends should not let friends take unproven medications. Colloidal silver has no known benefits and cannot be excreted from the body. In rare …

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Dear Abby: My husband’s son hurt him emotionally by paying a health insurance premium

Dear Abby: My husband's son hurt him emotionally by paying a health insurance premium

DEAR ABBY: When my husband and I got married a year ago, I dropped my health insurance and signed up for his family insurance, since it also covers his children, including an adult. There was no additional cost to add me. However, a few months later, the insurance company increased the monthly premium for all …

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