Study compares food addiction to substance use disorder

Study compares food addiction to substance use disorder

Candy, ice cream, and potato chips are delicious and consumed by people all over the world, but are they as addictive as some drugs? Researchers from the United States, Brazil, and Spain looked at the addictive properties of highly processed foods and found that these foods are highly beneficial, attractive, and consumable. Researchers found that …

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The first signs of poor winter weather can trigger seasonal depression and seasonal affective disorder.

The first signs of poor winter weather can trigger seasonal depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Colder weather, less daylight, and seasonal changes can affect your overall mood, leading to depression or seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, which affects about 11 million people each year in the United States. United. Seasonal affective disorder can begin with the first signs of fall or winter, including cooler temperatures and less daylight …

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“I’m a nutritionist: here are six foods to overcome seasonal affective disorder”

“I'm a nutritionist: here are six foods to overcome seasonal affective disorder”

As the temperature drops and nights approach during the fall months, many of us will notice a change in our mood and energy levels. While it’s easy to dismiss this as just a bout of winter blues, it can be a sign of something more serious. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression …

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