Guest Post: State of Flow: The Importance of a Calm, Confident Mind During Competition

Guest Post: State of Flow: The Importance of a Calm, Confident Mind During Competition

Photo credit: Pat Vellner | @pvellner Enjoying Morning Chalk Up? Access additional interviews, reviews, and exclusive stories with an Rx subscription. Every athlete undergoes immense physical training; face weaknesses and improve strengths. It is not possible to be at the elite level without this hard work. But when it comes time to compete, the individuals …

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Bhagyashree shares the importance of exercise for seniors


Many physical abilities deteriorate with normal aging, including strength, speed and energy. In addition to these muscle declines, changes in the coordination of body movements also occur. Together, this means that as you age, you may not be able to perform normal activities such as jogging, jogging, carrying heavy things, and maintaining your balance. It …

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