Thoughts on Urology Awareness Month

Thoughts on Urology Awareness Month

Chris Whitehouse, policy consultant and medical technology policy and regulation expert atWhite House CommunicationsPresident of the Urology Trade Association and Governor of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre, informs readers about Urology Awareness Month. Last month was Urology Awareness Month (UAM), an annual campaign run by the Urology Foundation (TUF) to raise awareness of urological diseases, which …

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Gambling tax could raise $100 million for NHS treatment FR24 News English

Gambling tax could raise $100 million for NHS treatment FR24 News English

By Philippa Roxby Health journalist 6 hours ago Image source, Getty Images The UK government is considering imposing a tax on gambling companies which would raise €100 million a year to fund NHS treatment. He wants all operators to “pay their fair share”, instead of the current voluntary system. The money will be invested in …

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The little blue pill can make it difficult…to see! 32-year-old man goes blind in one eye after using Viagra

This scan shows the damage caused by blocked blood vessels in the 32-year-old man's right eye.

A man suddenly went blind in one eye after taking Viagra and doctors believe the erectile dysfunction cure could be the cause. The 32-year-old Iranian took an exceptional dose of sildenafil, the main ingredient in the little blue pill. He lost the sight in his right eye almost immediately afterwards. Despite efforts to restore his …

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