OP-ED | The charts that scare health insurance watchdogs | Addicted to CT News

OP-ED |  The charts that scare health insurance watchdogs |  Addicted to CT News

ELLEN ANDREWS Small-group self-insured plans seem harmless, but they’re not, and they’re growing quickly, according to new figures from the Connecticut Department of Insurance. These plans save some small businesses money, but they carry serious risks. State policymakers are trying to create a safer option, within the confines of federal rules. It’s a bit complicated …

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People suffering from pronounced psychopathy and sadism are more difficult to scare

(Photo credit: Adobe Firefly)

New electromyography research has found that individuals with more pronounced dark personality traits, primarily psychopathy and sadism, tend to have blunted startle responses. In other words, these individuals are less easily frightened. The study was published in Scientific reports. The startle response is a natural, involuntary physiological reaction to a sudden and unexpected stimulus, characterized …

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