7 Home Remedies to Cure Burning Throat | India Times

7 Home Remedies to Cure Burning Throat |  India Times

TEMPSOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – October 28, 2023, 1:00 PM IST Smart Ways to Cure Burning Feeling in Throat There are times in everyone’s lives when we feel that burning, uncomfortable feeling in our throat that feels like a mini-hell is brewing inside. It can happen from a spicy meal, a bad cold or …

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What if you think a sore throat is not a reason to see a doctor? Read this | India Times

What if you think a sore throat is not a reason to see a doctor?  Read this |  India Times

TEMPSOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – October 21, 2023, 4:00 PM IST Many people ignore a sore throat because it seems to be a temporary problem. A sore throat is a common illness suffered by people of all ages. In most cases, it is temporary discomfort caused by viral infections like colds or flu. However, …

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Antibiotics “like gold” for some, leading to inappropriate use

Antibiotics “like gold” for some, leading to inappropriate use

Personal beliefs and healthcare system barriers contribute to inappropriate antibiotic use by patients, report researchers presenting findings at the IDWeek 2023 annual meeting. Over-the-counter antibiotic use includes accessing medications left over from previously prescribed treatment, obtained from social media and purchased over the counter in other countries or illegally in stores and markets in the …

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